The impact of the Career Accelerator programme

What’s the biggest difference you’ve felt in yourself since the beginning of the career accelerator and now? And what does that look like in your career? 

“I feel empowered. It’s a cheesy word but it’s worth using sometimes. I’ve spent time over the years being in such a small room with people that do such different things to me that I’ve got used to apologising for that difference, but now I’m not apologising, I’m shouting about it, specifically about being technical staff. I’m a ‘rage against the systems’ kind of person and I want to use that anger to be productive. WHEN has given me the inspiration that we can advocate for each other as women. I feel like there’s a bigger mission here for women in higher education that I’m really interested in. And if I have to leave the HE environment to make those changes, so be it. I’m not frightened of those changes any more.”

“I feel that I have really found my people and I want to keep in touch! That’s come from the ALS - from us having had the shared experience that bonded us and then the follow-up has given us fixed points in time to report back to each other, and space to be empathetic with each other and share life experiences. The Career Accelerator is action packed, and then the ALS gives you freedom to express yourself.”

“Now, I’m about looking for opportunities rather than focusing on barriers. You can always do something. Be brave. Apply. I feel more optimism. My hopes are higher for the future after this accelerator. It looks brighter.”

“This programme has really helped me to know my worth. I’ve found clarity about what I enjoy and what I’m energised by, and the programme has highlighted the need to be active to get where I want to be. I went into my latest job application knowing that I CAN do this. I feel better equipped all round and that feels brilliant.”

“The biggest difference I feel is that I’ve got my drive back. Before, I had a lot going on with my home life and shielding with my dad during the pandemic. But now I want to progress. It feels empowering to have this motivation and these tools from the Career Accelerator. I feel encouraged.”

“The biggest difference is that I feel more like I have a right to be in my space and that I’m no longer hanging around its edges.”

“I think WHEN changed my way of looking at things, I’m a positive person but it’s always easy to fall into the negative. WHEN changed things for me and now I do things not to tick boxes but because I really want to be there.”

“I’ve not done job applications in such a long time, and to start the process was not easy - I had a mental block. But this programme has really, really helped me to recognise my strengths and achievements. This programme is all about getting unstuck from the rut. I’m definitely going to be asking for what I want and being the change I want to see.”

“I’ve started putting my name on things, and it’s scary but good. I’m applying for smaller grants so I can then get bigger grants. I think WHEN has been really good preparation to start doing these things. I want to make myself poachable so that UCL have to fight to keep me!”

“The biggest change is that I feel more adventurous and open-minded. I’ve written down a goal about talking to my local MP because WHY NOT?!”

“I’ve gained a sense of calm and clarity. I feel like I have more perspective and can appreciate that everyone’s journey is different, which makes me more accepting of my current reality. My ALS peers have been so genuine and that’s so important for me, as someone who struggles to ask for feedback. And I’d definitely like to continue meeting as this community we’ve created!”

 “I’ve realised I could probably have a better career if I left my company, and that’s been hard to grapple with as it’s a big part of my identity. But I needed to hear and feel it, because I signed up to the Career Accelerator to feel like I have options.”

“I think before this event I’d accepted that this was it, that I’d reached the ceiling of my career and there was no point in trying to break it, because I’d already exhausted my options. The system was not allowing me to progress, which is a common experience for female technical staff. To be honest, I just joined the WHEN programme to tick a box for my appraisal form. But it’s been eye-opening and heartbreaking. I feel like my heart is beating again and I’ve finally found my community. I haven’t been forced to do anything, but I’ve been able to think about what I want to do and it all came from me. The best thing about this course has been changing my vision and my view, and my conclusion.”

“I have more clarity in my career.”

“I truly feel like I have more sense of direction in my career and awareness of opportunities and how to utilise those within my career.”

I’ve realised that no one else is currently doing these things that feel really important to me, so I might as well knock on some doors and not be scared about approaching people to get help. It’s in my power to do stuff outside of my direct job role, things like EDI, and I’m feeling passionate about that.”

“Taking control of my career and actually going for the opportunities that are there, not just thinking about them.”

Find out about our Career Accelerator programme